Profile 140053
Karthik Reddy

- GenderMale
- Date of BirthApril 21, 1991
- Age33
- Height5ft 11in - 180cm
- Physical StatusNormal
- Marital StatusUnmarried
- Mother TongueTelugu
Education and Profession
- EducationBachelors-Computers
- OccupationIT Professional
- Annual Income3,60,000 to 7,20,000
- Property Worth2 Crores
- Country of residenceIndia
- Residing TownHyderabad
- CitizenshipIndia
- ReligionHindu
- CasteReddy
- SubCasteGudati
- CasteNobarNo
- Gotramkonanola
More Details
- StarKruttika
- Kuja DoshamNo
Family Details
In my family there is my father, my mother, my sister(Married ) and myself. Father is a Private Employee while mother is a home maker. My family is a mix of modern and tradition beliefs.
More about Me
I am a soft spoken, honest & talented person. I have a good job, decent salary & a nice house to live in.
I am passionate about traveling, watching movies and enjoy great chats.
I also enjoy travelling, watching movies, going out for dinner, and having great intellectual conversations!
My Preferred Partner
I am looking for a young, Beautiful Girl who has a cheerful personality. Religion, caste, food habits are not important for me or for my family members. I am more interested in finding a compatible match.
I have a long daily commute and I will be delighted if you can make me a cup of coffee when I reach home from Office . I will, of course, return the favour.
My parents stay with me, but we have a huge house. You will have your space, but you should be OK with this arrangement. Your parents are welcome to stay at our home if they want