Profile 140669
Sunil Innamuri

- GenderMale
- Date of BirthJune 26, 1987
- Age37
- Height5ft 5in - 165cm
- Physical StatusNormal
- Marital StatusUnmarried
- Mother TongueTelugu
Education and Profession
- EducationBachelors-Computers
- OccupationBusiness Person
- Annual Income12 lakhs and above
- Property Worth70-80Lk
- Country of residenceIndia
- Residing TownSPSR Nellore
- CitizenshipIndia
- ReligionHindu
- CasteVysya
- SubCasteArya Vysya
- CasteNobarNo
- GotramSrikakulam Muppalla
More Details
- StarAnuradha
- Kuja DoshamNo
Family Details
I'm sunil..s/o.Late Gurunatham... I've brother &2sisters married (all) & my mom only..
More about Me
I'm Sunil..Arudra my born star.I mentioned anuradha but here only 26stars not my star thts y i mentioned anuradha ...I cmpltd my Graduation..I love my mom.. Im vry simple & Hardworker..SAI BABA devotee & Vegetarian
My Preferred Partner
We want traditional,simple girl... especially vegetarian....we want to mingle to my family &others...