Profile 140687
E Krishna Kumar

- GenderMale
- Date of BirthDecember 27, 1986
- Age38
- Height5ft 4in - 162cm
- Physical StatusNormal
- Marital StatusUnmarried
- Mother TongueTelugu
Education and Profession
- EducationMasters-Others
- OccupationSoftware Consultant
- Annual Income12 lakhs and above
- Property Worth1 crore own house
- Country of residenceIndia
- Residing TownHyderabad
- CitizenshipIndia
- ReligionHindu
- CasteBrahmin
- SubCasteVaidika
- CasteNobarNo
- GotramKamakayana Vishwamithra
More Details
- StarVishaka
- Kuja DoshamNo
Family Details
My family is traditional & nuclear
More about Me
I am a software professional & have Own house in Hyderabad l. My hobbies are travelling , listening to music , reading books etc.
My Preferred Partner
Match should be Brahmin & any sub cast except vishwa brahman.